Our Vision - "To be a centre of excellence for students with special educational needs to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential in all aspects of their adult lives"
Our Mission - "To ensure outstanding outcomes for all students by never underestimating the potential of each young person"
Our school motto is "A community learning together"
We will fulfill our vision and mission objectives through the delivery of our ASPIRE educational model;
A - Academic Excellence
S - Support, nurture and therapeutic care
P - Personalised pathways
I - Independence, life and work skills
R - Respect for all
E - Enrichment and Celebration
Each of these aspects have their own heading tab on this website where they are explained in more detail.
The School Day
School starts each day at 8.45 am
School finishes each day at 3:00 pm
Lunchtime: 12.20 pm – 1.20 pm
Attendance and Punctuality
Children should arrive to school at 8:45am.
School should be called by 8:30am if a child will be absent or late.
We aim for 100% attendance
Holidays in term time are not allowed
Children should come into school following or before medical appointments
The School office is open from 8 am – 4 pm everyday during term time
How we deliver exceptional Special Needs Education is described in detail in the SEN INFORMATION REPORT.
For further information about the services provider by the Local Authority please refer to the Local Offer available at https://www.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk/kb5/ealing/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=0