In order to ensure that each student reaches their full potential the school is committed to continuously reviewing the progress of each student and setting future targets. Part of this process involves the regular reassessment of where the young person’s needs are best met.
Our aim and practice:
To review termly the IEP of each student and to set new targets
Through the review process to monitor the effectiveness of individual student’s placement within the special school setting of Belvue School.
To work closely with students, cares and other professionals during the process of reviewing the Education, Health and Care plan (EHC).
To provide opportunities for integration for students in a variety of contexts for example at college, high schools, work placements and social venues.
Integration opportunities will be provided to meet a variety of need e.g. social, academic, the move towards permanent inclusion, sport etc.
To move as many young people into mainstream provision as possible.
To support mainstream colleagues in creating inclusive schools.
To work closely with mainstream SENCO’s to establish and maintain close working relationships.
Read more about the school's Inclusion Policy please visit the School's Policy page