Personalised internal traineeships and work opportunities at Belvue
Over the last couple of years Belvue School has been delighted to be able to provide a number of students with tailored work experience or paid traineeships in order to build their skills and confidence in preparation for college or work.
Whilst in Post 16 two students, both showed promise as cleaners and were taken on in paid part time employment to gain credible work experience under the support and guidance of the school staff. They have continued in these part time roles whilst attending college and are both valued members of the school workforce.
In 2017/18 two Post 16 students, joined the premises team on a part time basis, whilst continuing their English and maths studies. They proved to be extremely helpful and competent members of the team displaying exceptional work ethic. They learnt their skills from a previous student, who’s potential and eagerness spearheaded the school into taking the grounds maintenance in-house. He attended a course and qualified to use a petrol lawn mower and strimmer and as a result taught these skills to another ‘apprentice student’.
In 2018/19, the college were able to offer five paid jobs, Grounds Maintenance, Breakfast Club Supervisor, Belvue College Banker, Play Coordinator and Artist in Residence. Students had to follow the normal procedures of applying for a job, giving them real life experiences.
Due to the demand last year, in 2019/20, certain jobs will be allocated termly to ensure a greater number of students get the opportunity to experience work during their time at college. In addition, they are judged and scored on certain aspects e.g. punctuality, professionalism, as they would in the real world.
At the end of 2019 we were extremely pleased to appoint an ex-student onto the premises team. He gained invaluable work experience while he was a student with us and with guidance and support went on to build up his portfolio and CV with a number of different placements. As a result, he applied for the job, gave a fantastic interview and got the job.