Staff at the school work hard to foster trusting and supportive relationships with parents/carers. The vertical tutor system and termly learning conversations allows a relationship with ongoing dialogue and understanding to be built between parent/carer and tutor. Parents/carers are also invited to many events at the school in order to be part of and support their childs learning and successes.
Parent and carer views and feedback are therefore essential and are gathered in many ways. The school will ask parents for their thoughts and feelings at the termly learning conversations and annual review meetings. Formal questionnaires are also used to collect parents views on how the school is doing. Year after year 95% + parent/carers say their child enjoys coming to Belvue and they would recomend this school to other parents.
A questionaire has been created for parents to fill out before attending the Learning conversations. Please find a printable copy below. In doing this we can ensure that the learning conversation is tailored to cover what is most important for both the student and parent.
In June a new survey went to parents/carers to collect views on school support services and how well parents/carers feel supported by the school. See the results summary and feedback below.
Parents are invited by Ofsted to complete a questionnaire on Belvue School . Please click on the link below for Parentview and tell us your thoughts.