Recogising pupil effort and behaviour is crucial to fostering a constructive and motivating environment to learn. The school operates a merit system where academic and behaviour points are logged in student school diaries by tutors. There is also a house points system which awards stars in the diary for exceptional effort or progress in any subject or personal development area. By recording both systems in the school diary students and parents can easily keep track on how well the young person is doing on a day to day basis. At various milestones postcards are sent home to recognise achievement and for those who achieve the higher awards a small cash gift is presented with a certificate in assemblies.
Jack Petchey Awards
The school is very pleased to be supported by the Jack Petchey Achievement Awards.
A monthly winner is nominated from across the staff team and can be a student who has shown tremendous courage, sportsmanship, care, kindness, leadership or effort. The winner receives £200 to spend on something of their choice that will benefit the organisation such as a piece of equipment or a trip out. Winners and their families are also invited to attend a special celebration event to publically recognise their achievement.
The Dr John Roberts CBE QC Achievement Award
We are absolutely thrilled that our nomination for Saeed Warsame was successful. Saeed recieved an 'Against all odds' achievement award at a presentation evening. Formally known as the Descendents achievement award ceremony, the Dr John Roberts CBE QC Achievement award celebrates the exceptional successes of young people of African and African-Caribbean descent. Saeed's family and the school staff are extremely proud of Saeed -well done!