The school tries to encourage all students to attend a residential trip away from home at least once during each key stage. In key stage three a residential trip will typically be to an activity centre such as Kingswood. Exciting indoor and outdoor activities such as rock climbing, go-karting, zip-wire, archery and swimming take place and students learn a whole range of new skills and develop their independence.
In key stage 4 the residential trip is usually either on a sailing boat in Salcombe or this year students stayed in the youth hostel association house in the South Downs. In Post 16 students go away to the Isle of Wight on the ferry staying in chalet and mobile home style accomodation.
All trips are heavily subsidised by the school as they are seen as such an important and enjoyable part of student development and self-discovery. Parents and carers are asked to contribute towards the cost of the trips however the school seeks to support any families in financial hardship as much as possible to ensure that no student is disadvantaged from attending.