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Food Technology Lessons....

In food technology and catering, 5MP have visited the Fair Shot Café, a social enterprise and registered UK charity that aims to transform the lives of young adults with learning disabilities and/or autism through specialty coffee, giving them an equal and fair chance at obtaining and maintaining employment.

4TOR visited the Belazu Ingredient Company factory. The students went on a production tour around the factory. They learnt about careers in the food industry and had a tasting session to learn about the origin of ingredients and talk about flavours and how to detect what is in a product. The class had a great trip and all were amazed by the strict hygiene and safety procedures!

The KS3 classes very much enjoyed the new experience of sensory taste testing workshops. Students were able to try new and different ingredients to encourage them to think about the 5 senses associated with food. The workshop was delivered by a chef/educator from the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts 'Adopt a School Programme'.

Additionally, KS3 students were visited by educators from 'School Food Matters' who ran a workshop in association with Belazu where students made their own sauces/ pastes that could win a competition to see their product sold in the shops!



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